Here is an overview of projects we are involved in.

The focus of the project is three-fold. Firstly, we will develop new mathematical methods to benchmark, detect, suppress, and correct the errors in quantum computers stemming from the interaction with the environment. This will contribute to realizing the potential advantage of quantum computers. Secondly, we will devise a unified mathematical framework that can be applied to a wider range of applications within the area of quantum chemistry. Quantum chemistry is a field that deals with predictions of properties of molecules and materials. Finally, we will study non-classical features of quantum mechanics that enable quantum encrypted communication. We will find new formulas to quantify the performance of these encryption methods under the interaction with the environment.

The main goal of NeQst to perform exploratory research on how near-term quantum computers can help to solve high-impact optimization problems suggested by major industries: hydropower scheduling, route planning for autonomous ships, financial fraud detection, portfolio management, and logistics and supply chain optimization. Business use of quantum computing requires the convergence of different technologies; quantum technology, i.e., the use of quantum physics to perform calculations; digital technology, i.e., to generate, store, process data; and operations research, i.e., advanced analytical methods for decision making.

NordIQuEst aims to create a quantum computing platform customised to the needs of the Nordic region, with access to several Nordic quantum computers and quantum computer simulators. By focusing on collaboration as well as pooling resources and expertise, the project wants the Nordics to grab the opportunity and join the international quantum race.
Upcoming project on controlling spins in quantum systems in an online setting.
qsIo2: Quantum safe cryptography
If in the future a large enough quantum computer can be constructed, it will break cryptographic primitives and protocols in current use, with devastating consequences for users worldwide. The project’s goal is to study and analyse cryptographic primitives and protocols that resist attacks by classical and quantum computers. This project is a continuation of the project qsIoT – Quantum safe cryptography for the Internet of Things.
QuTe QUantum emitters in semiconductors for future TEchnologies
The QuTe project explores several underdeveloped topics of point defects in silicon (Si) and silicon carbide (SiC) for QT applications, and involves identification of new SPEs, charge state identification and control, and manipulation and tuning of the emission wavelength, as well as theoretical modeling.

Quantum Computing for the Defense Sector
n this project, we investigate the possibilities that quantum computing holds for solving complex optimization challenges in the defense sector. Our objective is to delve into different areas where quantum computing can be applied, taking into account that the goals within the defense sector differ from those in the industrial field, requiring further investigation. Collaborating with NeQst, we find a great opportunity to exchange methods and technical knowledge, leading to mutual advantages.

The OsloMet Quantum Hub aims to be a meeting place for people with a quantum interest. It serves as an umbrella for quantum related education, research and development activities happening within Oslo Metropolitan University and partners. But the primary goal of the OsloMet Quantum Hub is to contribute to increasing quantum literacy and quantum awareness in society. This does not only apply to students, researchers, professionals and decisionmakers within relevant sectors; since emerging quantum technologies have the potential to change the world, we see a need to reach out to everyone.