This webpage represents the Gemini Center on Quantum Computing (2020–2024). A new webpage for the recently launched Gemini Center on Quantum Technology (2024–2028) will be available soon.
Our goal is to make Norway “quantum ready”
Founded in 2020 by NTNU, University of Oslo, and SINTEF our goal is to make Norway “quantum ready”. Simula (since 2021), Simula UiB (since 2022), University of South-Eastern Norway (since 2024), and OsloMet (since 2024) are associate partners.
The background for this center is the emergence of quantum computers, which many experts regard as one of the most important disruptive technologies in the near future. There is a huge investment in this type of technology from governments, research programs, companies and venture capitalists. The total spending on quantum initiatives worldwide in 2020 is estimated to be 22 billion USD. It is vital for Norway to start to build the necessary expertise in order to become “quantum ready”. This center gathers a strong interdisciplinary, cross-institutional team of researchers from University of Oslo, NTNU and SINTEF in order to promote quantum technology, establish contact with internationally leading expert groups, as well as to work together with industrial partners. Highlighting potential use cases and joining forces to build the necessary expertise will be vital.

The center gathers expertise in the emerging technology of quantum computing and focuses on algorithms/software and application areas (rather than hardware). Quantum computers work in a fundamentally different way than classical computers. To utilize them requires that one understands the underlying quantum-physical principles and can use these to rethink how algorithms are designed (quantum software). A multidisciplinary approach is indispensable.
There are no upcoming events at this time
SINTEF is member of the European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC) that advocates, promotes, and fosters the common interests of the European quantum industry towards all quantum technology stakeholders.